Wednesday August 17, 2011

Michael Tesoro's story is really what Heirloom Meals is all about. After a series of jobs in finance and other fields, Michael found a culinary calling: making marinara sauce in batches and marketing it across New England. Ooma Tesoro's Marinara Sauce is an heirloom recipe from Michael's grandmother, whom they called "Ooma." His grandmother was a wonderful cook, and from her, Michael inherited a passion for food. Ooma Tesoro's is made with whole and fresh ingredients: whole plum tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, fresh onions, fresh garlic, sea salt, black pepper, and a secret blend of herbs. Thanks, Michael for being on the show! Listen here.
Wednesday August 10, 2011

Shoshanna Levy is a nutritionist and health enthusiast who blogs at Nutrition Evolution. Her goal is to help educate the world about gluten sensitivities and to promote the SOUL diet: seasonal, organic, unrefined, and local. She gives great advice for those of us who need to be gluten-free, or those of us who are just trying to live a healthier lifestyle. We also got a chance to talk about Sho's Jamaican heritage and her food memories with her grandmother. One recipe I will definitely be trying soon is the "Alchie Cake." Listen to our interview here.
Wednesday July 20, 2011

I was lucky enough to sit down with Marilyn and Nabih Nejaime one sunny afternoon. They shared their amazing story of how their Lebanese heritage served as the basis of their booming business! As good stories often are, the story of how the Nejaimes began their lavash company happen almost as accident. A customer at their grocery store in Stockbridge requested the Lebanese flatbread, but Nabih refused to serve the low quality of manufactured lavash. Instead he made his own for the customer, and served the leftovers as samples to the shoppers. The next day, people returned requesting "that bread stuff." Although they didn't share the lavash recipe with me, I did manage to get their delicious humous recipe and fattoush salad. Listen to the rest of their amazing story on Heirloom Meals Radio!
Wednesday July 13, 2011

Gina Hyams has a diverse history, both geographically and culinarily. She and her mother moved to California for a year to live in a commune. To this day, she still can't stand the taste of sprouts. Gina has had a fondness for giant New York roast beef sandwiches since her father took her to a Jewish deli. To her young eyes, the sandwiches seemed ten inches tall! He would also make omlettes in the shape of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, complete with a grape jelly nose. For several years, Gina lived in Mexico, which inspired her first "kit" Day of the Dead Box. She now resides in the Berkshires, where her love of pie has led her to another endeavor, Pie Contest in a Box. Listen to our interview and try out the custard cornbread - a real hit at dinner parties!
Wednesday July 06, 2011

This California gal with Irish and French roots had a horse-whispering cowboy grandfather and a great uncle with an orange grove. Lauren's memories of drinking the FRESHEST orange juice of anyone I know and her description of the grove, the property and the view that she beheld at the top of the hill is palatable . Imagine drinking OJ from oranges that were just picked and squeezed that morning - it was her favorite childhood memory! Lauren also shared how there were avocado trees in her Aunt and Uncle's backyard - the kids would arm wrestle for the avocados. For us East Coasters - this sounds so yummy and exotic!!
Lauren's Mom is known to make a killer Chicken with Black Beans - something Lauren will have to start making for her own family! So listen to Lauren's story as she transports you to California in the 60's and 70's.
Friday April 01, 2011

Klara Sotonova could be a poster child for Heirloom Meals. Klara is from the Czech Republic. She came to the United States 11 years ago to improve her english language skills and broaden her horizons. You will “hear” that her language skills are certainly honed and you will learn that Klara has made Lee, MA her home. Klara has created a business, Klara’s Gourmet Cookies using her great grandmother’s cookie recipes. Klara’s story is sweet, heart-warming and inspirational!! And her cookies are amazing!!
Listen Here!