Wednesday November 02, 2011

With the following dedication in her book, Put 'em Up: "For all of the home cooks who nourish family and friends, culture, and tradition," you can see why I wanted to interview Sherri on my radio show. Sherri dispells myths about the water bath canning method and also shares that there are many ways of preserving your harvest - freezing, stringing hot peppers, fermenting and canning. Her book is approachable, easy to follow and full of great recipes.
I am about to make a few jars of her Apple Chutney for holiday gifts. Sherri tells me it will be a HUGE hit!! I'll blog about it soon!
Listen to her interview here - so fun!
Wednesday October 26, 2011

It was such a treat to interview Sara Baer-Sinnott, President of Oldways, an organization at the forefront of the sustainable food movement with a focus on heritage foods and heritage food pyramids. Sara shares some sage thoughts about being a parent - she raised 2 children who are now 22 and 24. She reflected that it is a parent's job to raise responsible adults. One way to accomplish this is to make meals a priority!!
Here's a quote from Oldway's mission:
"At Oldways, we are more determined than ever to help everyone, everywhere, live longer and healthier lives. We will do this by continuing to encourage people to seek out the joys and pleasures of good foods and drinks, well prepared and consumed with pleasure, in the company of family and friends. That is the profound and worthy mission that drives us and our partners every day."
Oldways and Heirloom Meals are on a similar journey. Listin to Sara's interview here .
Exciting news: Oldways is launching an African Heritage Pyramid in November - it will get you thinking about your heritage pyramid!!
Wednesday September 28, 2011
There are two major Jewish Holidays coming up on the calendar, in fact one starts today at sundown - Rosh Hashanah - the beginning of the Jewish New Year. I am not Jewish but many of my friends and acquaintances are. I wanted to understand the meaning of Rosh Hashanah and then, Yom Kippur which is in 10 days. I know these holidays are steeped in ritual and traditions.
My friend Dottie Weber shares what these holidays mean to her. And, in her next interview, airing on Saturday October 1, 2011, Dottie shares her menus and some recipes.
Listen Here.
Wednesday September 07, 2011

Ali Ansari was truly an inspirig and wonderful guest. His close connection with the women in the kitchen - his Persian and German grandmothers had much to offer - recipes, artistic inspiration, cultural differences, and harmony. LIsten up - this one should not be missed!!
Wednesday August 31, 2011
Listen to Dillip's journey. His native cuisine is Indian. He worked for McDonald's and he is now 100% Vegan.
Wednesday August 24, 2011
We tried something a little different for this weeks show. We were asked by Carole Hyatt to participate in her Getting to Next II seminar and share how Heirloom Meals got started.

And we thought that it would be fun to chronicle some of the participants food memories. So enjoy these snippets!!