Monday February 28, 2011
What I have learned from running the chicken soup recipe contest is that there are only winners when you cook from the heart!! It was such a thrilling and sobering experience receiving, making, eating and "judging" all the recipes. The making and eating was the easy part. And the judging was made somewhat easy as the "story" was part of the contest and some of the stories were just stand-outs along with their recipes.
Here are the links to the three "winning" recipes and stories:
Francine's Avgolemono, Carol's Asian-style and Judith Lerner's traditional. And check out what the news team at NewsChannel13 had to say.

I will be putting the other 14 recipes online over the next week or so. They are all truly delicious!!
And again. I learned that when you mix love, a treasured family recipe and good ingredients together, you always get a winner!!
Sunday February 27, 2011
It's a tie for FIRST. Congrats to Judith Lerner, Carol Way and Francine Soropoulos Kyriakos.
Sunday February 27, 2011

My heart opens with unconditional love for Burt. And I believe it is returned to me. He is my ever-present companion. And he can truly communicate with me. I know exactly when he wants to go outside for some spring water or to do his business. He knows when Jim is about to build a fire - he see Jim carrying the kindling and he darts into the living room to claim his spot in front of the fireplace. This photo was snapped in the kitchen while I was making chicken soup - he was just hanging with me!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my doggie!!
Friday February 25, 2011
...triplets, twins keeping me busy... lamb head count is now 33....

Tuesday February 22, 2011
I will be sharing the top 3 soups on Newchannel13 this Sunday, 2/27 between 8-9 AM and announce the winner.
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Daffodils are the surest sign of spring. However, I don't expect to see any signs of daffodils until April as our hillside is still covered with snow. However, I can't resist the bunches of daffodils that are sold in the grocery stores. Just a touch of spring, the bright yellow color, the scent of their fragrance are enough to bridge the gap until our daffodils bloom!!