Tuesday May 26, 2015

What’s your food story? Have you ever wanted to get it on paper along with the recipes?
Join Nancy Aronie and Carole Murko for a 3-day writing and cooking from the heart workshop. We will write to prompts that will stir up your food memories. We will do some creative scrapbooking with your old family recipes and photos. We will cook and share our stories.
Your hosts bring their two passions together. Nancy will lead the writing part of the workshop. Carole will be walking down food memory lane and share her process of developing recipes from her Mom’s and Nana’s “non-recipes” as well as teach you how to make a few of her family’s treasured recipes.
You will leave with your story written and ready to be digitized into a family heirloom cookbook.
Dates: October 22-25, 2015 at Boulderwood Farm, Stockbridge, MA
October 22:
Arrive in the afternoon and get settled
7pm – Welcome Dinner and Cooking Demo
October 23:
9-12 Writing
12-1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 4:30 Cooking Demo and Dinner Prep
4:30 – 7 Break with time to do some homework
7 PM Dinner and Storytelling – Each person will share a recipe and story that they wrote during break
October 24:
9-12 Writing
12-1:30 Lunch and Break
1:30 – 4:30 Writing and Scrapbooking
4:30-6 Break
6 PM – A walk through creating a recipe and making it for dinner
October 25:
9-12 – Writing and Wrap Up

The Details:
- 8 spots
- Rooms and Meals included
- $1695 per person. Click HERE to pay. Or feel free to call Carole 413-298-0173 for more information.
Wednesday April 08, 2015
Those of us living in New England weathered an epic winter and are enjoying the sweet smell of the soil, the bird songs and the many green shoots that are appearing on a daily basis.
We are working on some excitng new things - our green shoots, if you will!
1. We will be launching The Heirloom Meals Recipe and Storytelling Project - an 8-10 week online program designed to capture your family food story, collect and curate your family recipes and produce a family heirloom cookbook. Details will be trickling out over the coming weeks.

2. We are also exploring a monthly membership opportunity. At Heirloom Meals, we are about savoring traditions as well as creating traditions. Imagine a monthly menu and entertainment guide - we supply menus, recipes and a guide to throwing memorable dinners for friends and family - creating tomorrow's heirloom meals.
Sunday March 01, 2015
The icy grip of winter continues....but hope springs eternal!
Here are a few things to help welcome spring:
1. I am attending TEDx Manhattan, Changing the Way We Eat - Saturday, March 7th - I will share insights but keep an eye on my twitter and FB feeds.
2. WRITING WORKSHOP: Presented by Amy Hale-Auker/ Hosted by Heirloom Meals with a cowgirl-themed lunch at Boulderwood Farm - March 15th, 10 am - 2 pm.
3. PASTA-MAKING workshop - March 22nd, 1-5 pm.
4. I was selected as a panelist for the Smith Women's Leadership Conference, "Taking the Right Risks." March 27-28.
5. Tune in to Newschannel 13 (Albany, NY's NBC affiliate) on March 29th at 8:30-ish. THINK SPRING!!
6. SAVE the DATES: April 19th for a Spring Menu Cooking Workshop and Wine Pairing - details to come. And, June 14th for an Artisinal Sourdough Bread-making Workshop - details to come.

Sunday March 01, 2015
PASTA! PASTA! PASTA! Let's make some pasta!

Come join Carole in the Heirloom Meals Kitchen in Stockbridge, MA, for a fun filled afternoon making pasta!
- We will make a GLUTEN FREE pasta first (so we don't contaminate the space.)
- We will make traditional FETTUCCINE
- We will make spinach LINGUINE
Lastly, we will sit and enjoy a fresh bowl of pasta with a light tomato basil cream sauce, a glass of wine and a toast to this simple heirloom recipe!
March 22 - 1pm - 5pm $75 per person, limited to 8 participants. (I am keeping the classes intimtate so we all get hands on instruction.)
Click here to pay, call 413-298-0173, or email to reserve your spot, or send check to Heirloom Meals, PO Box 628, Stockbridge, MA 01262. Once you are signed up, we will send you the address and directions.
Tuesday February 10, 2015
Howdy from snowy Massachusetts!

Here's what's on tap:
1. A great Zester Daily article on cures for what ails you.
2. Another Zester Daily Article with a fabulous GLUTEN FREE VALENTINE's MENU.
2. I just uploaded a series of radio shows. Stories range from a local chef to a Swedish bread-maker.
3. Tune in to Newschannel 13 (Albany, NY's NBC affiliate) on February 22nd at 8:30-ish. Not sure what I am making yet. Send me some ideas!!
Monday January 26, 2015
As many of you know, I just hosted a magical writing workshop with the amazing Nancy Aronie. Truth be told, it's a few weeks later and I am still beaming from the experience. A group of 14, thirteen women and one man, gathered together as strangers, but left forever in love, having shared deep and oft-hidden morsels of our souls.
Here is a piece I wrote in 10 minutes with the prompt: The hardest thing.....
I was told it is universal. I would love your comments. Much love to everyone!
The hardest thing…..
The hardest thing is watching my parents age. What is it about life that tricks us into thinking we stand still? That we, ourselves, are not aging. I carry around pieces of so many of my own stories. Sometimes I am the 15-year old full of innocence, other times I am the beat up career warrior with lawsuit scars, back stab wounds, and self-doubt. Then I am fat, skinny, beautiful, ugly, loved, hated, adored, gregarious, and shy.
I am my parents – tangled up in their stories. Their parts are my parts. It’s like from the time we are born, we are working on combing out the dreadlocks of connections – to find our own way, yet remain an integral part of theirs. Sometimes the comb gets stuck in a nasty knot of confusions and sadness – a mess. Then, like magic the comb slips through the now silky locks.
My parents have always been my true north. They have given me so much and, I guess, I received it. I welcomed their advice. I studied their warts. I fought to be my own compass.
And now, as I see them become vulnerable to the ravages of time, I get sad. Where will I be when they are gone? Have I done my job of honoring them and myself, equally, so that when the time comes, I am whole, and they are not a tangled mess of memories but a beautiful part of my forever fabric of being.

I love you Mom and Dad!! (And Jen, too!)
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