Monday August 22, 2011
It is only fitting that when I sit down to write my Monday post (which I have been remiss in writing) that I write about my beloved intern, Erin Gernon. Erin joined me on June 20 and returned to Hiawatha, Kansas on August 20th. Two months flew by and we accomplished much!! 
Erin will return to Smith College in 2 weeks as a senior. And, I am happy to report that Smith is still attracting the best and the brightest!! Erin brought her smarts, can-do attitude, and tenacity. When combined with her Midwestern humility, she was a subtle powerhouse of capability and competence. I was beyond impressed and will miss her dearly!!
This one's for you Erin!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!! You are amazing!
Thursday August 18, 2011
Went out one morning and harvested my peppers. They are just beautiful!

Wednesday August 17, 2011

Michael Tesoro's story is really what Heirloom Meals is all about. After a series of jobs in finance and other fields, Michael found a culinary calling: making marinara sauce in batches and marketing it across New England. Ooma Tesoro's Marinara Sauce is an heirloom recipe from Michael's grandmother, whom they called "Ooma." His grandmother was a wonderful cook, and from her, Michael inherited a passion for food. Ooma Tesoro's is made with whole and fresh ingredients: whole plum tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, fresh onions, fresh garlic, sea salt, black pepper, and a secret blend of herbs. Thanks, Michael for being on the show! Listen here.
Tuesday August 16, 2011
I picked up these beautiful flowers from Indian Line Farm and arranged them in a large teapot. These summer colors are perfect in any bouquet--a cominbation of pinks, reds, purples, and yellows.

Thursday August 11, 2011
This year, my garden produced an abundant crop of cabbage, which finally reached such a size that I had to harvest it!

There are many great ways to use cabbage, and I'm going to preserve mine by making some sauerkraut. First, of course, I needed a sauerkraut crock. After scouring the internet, I found a beautiful crock, and I hope to get started on it soon. Stay tuned!

Wednesday August 10, 2011

Shoshanna Levy is a nutritionist and health enthusiast who blogs at Nutrition Evolution. Her goal is to help educate the world about gluten sensitivities and to promote the SOUL diet: seasonal, organic, unrefined, and local. She gives great advice for those of us who need to be gluten-free, or those of us who are just trying to live a healthier lifestyle. We also got a chance to talk about Sho's Jamaican heritage and her food memories with her grandmother. One recipe I will definitely be trying soon is the "Alchie Cake." Listen to our interview here.