Sunday March 06, 2011
Very funny chicken antics - the chicken jumped into this box which must have had some bird seed from the bird feeder in it. The rooster clearly wanted to join in. And the loppers just frame the chicken so well!!
Sunday February 27, 2011

My heart opens with unconditional love for Burt. And I believe it is returned to me. He is my ever-present companion. And he can truly communicate with me. I know exactly when he wants to go outside for some spring water or to do his business. He knows when Jim is about to build a fire - he see Jim carrying the kindling and he darts into the living room to claim his spot in front of the fireplace. This photo was snapped in the kitchen while I was making chicken soup - he was just hanging with me!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my doggie!!
Monday February 21, 2011

The first time in 6 weeks that the snow had melted enough for Whitey to make it to the back porch. I threw him the indian corn that I had sitting on the table as his reward!!
Sunday February 13, 2011
The big mammals as we call them are hay burners this time of year. It's been quite challenging getting the hay to them twice a day in the big snow conditions. Here they are munching away - even Burtee tried to get in on the action!!

Sunday February 06, 2011
This winter is for the birds - whatever that means!! Truly epic in the amount of snow, number of cold days and how hard it must be on the animals. Today, I share our bird feeder - it is a busy and social place. Photo Opps are not easy though because the second I try to snap a pic - they fly away. Here's one I was able to capture during one of our ominous weather days.
And then there's Uni - whose place in the kitchen at night offers her warmth and protection. She doesn't go to far - here she is near the back door willing to pick up the scraps from the bird feeder.

How certain am I that these birds and all the animals, wild and tame, hope the groundhog was right? 100%!!
Sunday January 23, 2011
Every morning we brave the elements. Today minus 5. Tomorrow - who knows.....Here's a look at the animals with the morning frost still on them! I keep telling them it's better than 90 degrees and flies!!