Wednesday January 19, 2011
Listen to Ellie Markovitch tell her story. She grew up in a rural area of Brazil near her grandparent’s small farm. Her earliest and most vivid memories center on the harvesting of vegetables and the preparation of meals with friends and family. Transported to the United States as an exchange student when she was 19, Ellie’s main request from her mother was a care package from the kitchen. It was these food items that connect her with her home and help the memories survive. Ellie is now marrying her work as a photo journalist, her studies in new media and her love of food history to chronicle food memories and recipes in an effort to create community. Check it out:
Tuesday January 18, 2011
Do you collect anything? I seem to have a thing for chickens and my friends know it. I have chicken everything!!
My friend, Dottie gave me this nesting chicken for Christmas. It's adorable and I love it. I think I will be serving some soup or veggies in it soon!!

Monday January 17, 2011
This is a day to reflect on Martin Luther King's message of tolerance and equality. His dream is a noble one and one that we should all strive to embrace. I often think that the best way to live is by being kind, honest, and generous of mind and spirit. I love the notion of paying it forward - i.e. when someone does something nice to you, you turn around and do something nice for someone else. Imagine a world where everyone behaved that way.
In the context of the human spirit, I just read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It is a MUST read for many reasons - as an historical account of the atrocities that occurred in the Pacific Theater of WW II, the strength of the human spirit and will to live, the importance of dignity and the power of prayer. What is horrifying is what humans are capable to doing to others - the physical and mental brutality seems surreal and inconceivable.
So, as I ponder my dream of sharing the old ways of cooking and eating through the stories, I am thankful that I can pursue a passion. Let us not forget how quickly civilized people can turn into ogres. Let's celebrate King's message of tolerance and equality - any other option is not an option!!
Monday January 17, 2011
You can now get our radio shows on iTunes for your convenient listening pleasure!
Wednesday January 12, 2011
So sorry- no interview due to too much snow!
Monday January 10, 2011
How many recipes are out there in the family archives that are similar to others but are different as well.
I find this notion fascinating and am about to embark on an exercise to capture from my social network and physical network as many chicken soup recipes as possible, compare, contrast, categorize etc and offer a prize - a recipe box with all the recipes!!
On that same theme, I realized that even I have several recipes for lentil soup. I have my grandmothers; I have a curried lentil soup that I concocted; I have a great recipe for red lentil soup and I am sure I can round up many more.
So stay tuned as I organize this event. I will announce the terms etc soon - so keep an eye on my Facebook, blog and twitter feeds!! Hope you all participate.