Heirloom Meals: Savoring Yesterday's Traditions Today

Tuesday February 07, 2012

Ms Murky Mondays:
The Dragon’s Way

Over the last year I have been on new journey - not just with Heirloom Meals - but one of a healing/spiritual sort. Last year I had a number a minor but scary health scares.  From taking aspirin everyday as a prophylactic for migraine headaches, I developed an ulcer that caused heartburn; in seeking relief from chronic TMJ, I ended up feeling worse; and in general, I felt fat, logey and stressed.

What I realized from all of these things is I needed to pay attention to the signs or my intuition.  When something I was doing never really turned out right, my "A" student kept trying over and over.  And what I really needed to do was change what I was doing.  I also needed to care for myself.  I was told by the emergency room doctor that I was stressed - he said get a massage, take a vacation and drink some red wine.

None of the advice and coincidence of ailments have left my consciousness. I sought healers, and by elimination, found the ones that worked for me - a myotherapist masseuse, an osteopath, and a homeopathic MD.  I felt better but not great. While some stress was mitigated, I still carried it in parts of my body.  While I lost some weight, I knew that I could be on the slippery slope toward plumpness.

But, in being more open to the possibilities, the possibilities found me. I also learned a lot about me and being stuck - my massage therapist told me my hips were locked and they both literally and figuratively are what propel you forward.  She helped me unlock them and things started to happen.  Heirloom Meals started to really happen. But stress and anxiety were still with me.  My doctor said I needed to find a way to relax, meditate.  But what would work for me?  I tried yoga, didn't like it, walking, running, pilates, you name it.  And then it came to me...my osteopath's husband was teaching qigong and a program called Dragon's Way. At first, I dismissed it and then it just pursued me.  So, I put a class of six people together - my Jim, my best friend Jan who is also on a spiritual quest to health and happiness, my dear friend Donna who is recovering from breast cancer, my Mom and a new friend, Debbie. We are in week 2, and I am beginning to understand the wisdom of the meditative exercises and healing diet. And I thank my lucky stars!!

Ok - so now - we are in the year of the dragon - a year of transition, change and great opportunity.  

The program is called Dragon's Way, in the year of the dragon, coincidence?  I think not!

If you want to learn more you can buy the book,.