Heirloom Meals: Savoring Yesterday's Traditions Today

Monday December 13, 2010

Ms Murky Mondays:
Reflecting on Serendipity

Life speeds by.  I am guilty of moving from one important task/client/responsibility to another.  While I am thankful, I rarely get to savor anymore. But my mind savors and my thoughts wander and create the "Nice Things To Do List." On that list, I want to thank Rick Iemolini for recommending my interior decorating services to Nancy Fernandez Mills last winter. In the serendipity category, it turns out that Nancy is a TV producer, had produced a show on PBS, and is now interested in health counseling, nutrition and food. And she writes the blog content for Liberty Medical which offers products for people with diabetes.  And the next thing you know, Nancy asks me if I'd be interested in developing some recipes and shooting some videos for Liberty Medical.

How cool is that!!  We've shot 16 videos.  But the topic of diabetes and its epidemic proportions is not lost on me.  My grandmother had diabetes.  My dear friend John Kaiser had diabetes, my new friend, Alex Elman had diabetes (she had a pancreas and kidney transplant it was so severe), and countless others are suffering.  And through Nancy, I have developed recipes that are diabetes-friendly.  WOW!

Here's a photo of Nancy and Me from the video shoot last week.  A big thank you to you Nancy. xxoo