Heirloom Meals: Savoring Yesterday's Traditions Today

Monday November 01, 2010

Ms Murky Mondays:
thank you Fairview Hospital

It can't be Monday, is it? I suppose that's what happens when one doesn't heed grandmotherly wisdom, and REST and drink plenty of fluids when one is ill. Seriously, I thought I had done so but my type-A personality defines rest as a couple of hours on the couch emailing etc. And I had to pay. I was sick enough to warrant a trip to the ER. And now thanks to the good Dr. Sabatelli in the Fairview Hospital ER, and some strong drugs I am feeling much better. The only problem - I missed the entire weekend!
I hope to get back to normal soon and will welcome my typical day with open arms. A dose of sickness is a great reality check. I have a great life!

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