Thursday September 30, 2010
Heirloom Breeds & Seeds:
Celebrating the Harvest and the RAIN!!
Alas, it's raining!! It's what the farmers need - some good ol' H2O. Ironically, the rain fell on the evening that Farm Girl Farmer, Laura Meister, hosted a celebration of the harvest with other farmers and farm advocates at her farm under the tent. Chef, Brian Alberg, from the Red Lion Inn, served up a grilling extravaganza - goat, lamb burgers, his own smoked ham, veggies and a whole halibut. Oh my god - it was o-u-t-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g!!!!!!!Thank you farmers and Laura!!
And might I add that Chef, Michael Ballon's chocolate covered macaroons were the BEST I have ever tasted - I am buying his cookbook just for that recipe!!