Tuesday August 17, 2010
Animal Tales from Boulderwood Farm.
Buddy, our bantam rooster gives me the "side-eye" glare as if saying, "whatcha lookin' at?"
He's quite tame for a rooster. He does, however, suffer from the Napolean syndrome as he plays tough guy with our big white rooster, Whitey. Not sure why Whitey allows Buddy to bully him. I guess I'll never know!!
Tuesday August 10, 2010
The Bathing Beauties of Boulderwood.....who knew cows love to wade?? Julia, Delilah and Mr. Johnson (who I guess is a bathing beast) ignore the fence and just step right in the "pool."
The Beauties From Afar |
As I got closer, they turned...
...and jumped out of the "pool" as if I were the pond warden....
"RUN....she caught us in the act!!" |
I love our animals.
Tuesday July 27, 2010

The Japanese Beetles have arrived and are congregating among Boulderwood's flowerbeds and lawn! It is too bad that they are such pests because their colors are quite extraordinary and fun to look at. Obviously native to Japan, these insects have no natural predators in the States so they can run amuck on plants like rose bushes, hops, grape vines and more by eating away the leafy parts. According to some online sources, garlic, chives, catnip or soapy-water spray are some homemade deterrents for the Japanese beetle if you aren't into chemically insecticides like us and want to get rid of them. Here, we actually don't mind insects so much. The only spray we use on the farm is copper sulfate to prevent blight on our precious tomatoes. With that said, enjoy your stay in the Berkshires, beetles and bug buddies!
Tuesday July 20, 2010
This past weekend was the Brimfield Antique and Flea Market Show which is where we found these treasures in years past to add to our collection of beasts on Bouderwood. Who knew that elk and lobsters could be found on the same farm and require so little maintenance and clean-up?!
The next Brimfield show starts on September 7th and ends on the 12th so be sure to mark your calendars!
Tuesday July 13, 2010
Here on Boulderwood Farm we have animals in barns, cages, coops, houses and pastures but there are other creatures that lurk in the neighboring woods that don't inspire as much affection as the aforementioned. The other day at lunch Jim was telling us about the local and elusive fisher cat who's haunting child-like cry is virtually the only indicator of its presence. Its build is a strange one as it looks like a bear and weasel's love child. Several years ago some of our neighbor's dogs had cornered one up a tree and we all went over to see what they were making a fuss about. After a while the cat surprisingly started making its way down the tree despite the pack of eager dogs circling at the bottom. However, the dogs must have also been aware of the cat's aggressive and nasty reputation because we were shocked to watch as the animal was allowed saFe passage back into the tree line without any interruption.
Here is a YouTube video from Andover, MA where a woman's dog also had a fisher cat up a tree. Not so sure we agree with how she calls it baby, though. These animals supposedly eat porcupines....