Heirloom Meals: Savoring Yesterday's Traditions Today

Sunday January 09, 2011

Life at Boulderwood:
Beaver Hotel

I live in a magical place.  Not only do I have beautiful, adorable farm animals, a love of a dog and a pet guinea hen, I also have access to a plethora of wildlife.  However you never know when the photo opportunity will arrive.  Jim and I were strolling near the swamp below our house and on a lark I threw my camera in my pocket as we were leaving the house - "just in case!".  Jim lagged behind me and when he caught up I asked what he was looking at. Jim said, "I was just standing there and all of the sudden the beaver was swimming with some sticks in his mouth and climbed on top of the beaver hut to add more material - he's building a frickin' hotel."  I hurried back to the spot to see if the beaver was still there and he/she allowed me to take several photos...so here they are...nature delivering its finest moment when I had my camera!!