Heirloom Meals: Savoring Yesterday's Traditions Today

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For: childhood food memories

  • Food Memory Lane blog

    Recipes without stories are like pasta without sauce - bland, unremarkable, and generally, not memorable. If you are like me, most of my family's recipes are special because of the memories I...
  • Meatballs and Gravy recipes

    Meatballs Ingredients: 2-3 onions, caramelized 4 Tbsp olive oil 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced 2 lbs of a combo of ground veal, beef and pork in equal proportions (if you are lucky enough to have a...
  • Cindy Reynolds blog

    Who can argue that this isn't one of the cutest photos of some very proud kids who decorated the table and threw a party? And it epitomizes Cindy Reynolds today!!  She is a daughter, a mom, a wife....